Wednesday, 9 December 2015

Hello World

At the moment I have two (solid body) guitars being produced at the same time. They are a Stratocaster copy and a Les Paul copy. Two very different guitars and I've never built a Les Paul style before. This is going to be an adventure! Below are the front and back of the Stratocaster copy, that I've named "The Flash". Also, there is the draft of the Flash in it's final form. Note that the two single coils will also be gold and the headstock will be the usual swan head. To those who say it looks ugly, I say, get used to seeing more of it. That is one of my 'makers marks'. (The other being the engraved neck plate on guitars that have one.) Besides, it also serves a musical purpose. From my basic knowledge of physics in music, Mass = Sustain. Therefore, the more headstock wood (than say, a Fender headstock), the more mass, the more sustain the guitar has. It's not so much wood either, that neck droop is an issue. You can't argue against science.

The pickguard came from a mate on the guitar forum I choose to participate in from time to time. He did a great job, for a really good price. The Flash will also have Entwistle pickups in it viz: HV58 in the neck and two AS57's. I plan on drilling out the plastic fret markers and replacing them with red Abalone.  The switching is as follows:
  1. Bridge Single Coil
  2. Bridge and Middle (series)
  3. All (series)
  4. Middle and North Single Coil (series)
  5. Neck Humbucker (series)
Lastly, (at this stage) I will put in a brass trem weight (I buy these from Guitar Fetish) and roller saddles.
Then the only thing left to do is get the neckplate engraved by the good Canadian folks at Greasy Groove. When I receive that, I number stamp it (this will be "00000003") and then she will be for sale with her matching artwork.

The next post should be all about the Les Paul copy - "39".

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